A review by anlters
House of Holes by Nicholson Baker

Did not finish book.


If I had to read another "ingenious" term for penis ("big meat wagon", "fully spunkloaded meatloaf of a ham steak of a dick") or vagina ("her famished slutslot", "fuckfounain", "her simmering chickenshack"), I would go crazy, so I am abandoning this halfway through. Also I was sick of all the heteronormativity after the first "sexy" scene that read like a bad straight porn, where there is no plot or characters and all women just love to have a "slickened seedstick" in their "hot wet-pooters". Nothing about this was erotic. Except maybe this:
"She got in the water and held Wade’s hand. After a moment’s time, she reached down and poked into herself. Then her face contorted, and her upper lip pushed out, and she drooled a little. She practically broke his fingerbones in her grip. In the water was a large brown object. She slumped back for a moment, resting. “That hurt very, very much, even more than your cock hurt,” she said. “But I will recover.”
“I think you may have just crapped the bathtub,” said Wade.
She looked up. “No, I did not ‘crap.’ That is incorrect. You will see. This is one of my sculptures. It is made of asswood.”

Just kidding. There was nothing.