A review by letterfromafifah
The Chinese Puzzle by J.C. Briggs


First of all, I want to say thank you to NetGalley and Sapere Books for this review copy in exchange for an honest review.

This book is the eighth installment in the series. For me, sincerely, this story is really heavy. I finished it but it is really heavy. I have to stop many times before continuing reading it again. I do not know what is the exact reason, but it is really heavy for me. Because this is the eighth book, there are some references to characters and cases from previous books, but it does not interrupt the main flow of the story. There are a quite number of characters in this story, but thankfully managed to catch up with many of them. The characterization is good enough in my view. In my opinion, the chapters on average are not too long, but intense because the reader needs to discern many information in mostly every chapter. The descriptions used by the author are quite detailed, and because many places are stated in the book, I do not really remember all of them. In conclusion, even though the story is really heavy for me, the case is compelling enough for me to keep reading it until the end because for me, the story is worth reading. Plus, I pity some of the characters in this story. Anyways, I give this story ⅘ stars. ⭐⭐⭐⭐