A review by trisha_thomas
On the Edge of Gone by Corinne Duyvis


I'm really torn on this one. It was good - I like that it had varied characters. There is not one single character that I can actually say..I liked. They were all both good and bad - very true to real people. I also liked the struggle of who to save and who could/should/would be left behind. I liked the uniqueness of both Denise and Iris and both representations made my heart so happy.

But this book deals with a tough topic - When faced with the end of the world, Who do you save? Who gets to ride off on your super fantastic spaceship and who stays behind to slowly starve and die on Earth? And your opinion and view will be different if you are the doctor, the lead engineer, the teenager who helps cook or the captain. Everyone is going to have a different idea on how to answer the question.

What I didn't like was how idealistic it got near the end. All the back and forth of yes or no was frustrating and I found myself frustrated with others selfish ideas and how they forced others to accept them.