A review by medievalwitch
Life and Other Near-Death Experiences by Camille Pagán


(Audiobook) A short, almost fun read. Almost because the main character was a selfish, immature and reactionary thirty five year old wreck of a lifetime movie wannabe. She finds out her husband is gay the same day she finds out she has a virulent cancer, which is understandably stressful. Any sympathy I had for her however, was thrown out the minute she blurts something along the lines of "you always do this Tom! You always have to upstage me!" Stabs him with a fork and blames him for just now realizing he was gay as though it was a choice. Not to mention that she never and I mean NEVER in the course of the story actually tells him she has cancer. She refuses to talk like an adult to him and instead shuts him out of her life and begins to sell their condo and then runs off to Puerto Rico in order to basically reenact one of her favorite movies. The part of the book taking place in Puerto Rico was fun if you can look past her immaturity, her outbursts and her kind of selfish attitude where she locks her family, friends and soon to be ex out of her life for a while.
Another thing that bothered me, was how put off she was by his realizing he was gay when she has no problem with her happily married gay twin. It was a little gross.
Audiobook was good though, story was just disappointing.