A review by kindlebabe
The Spare Room by Andrea Bartz


Book : The Spare Room
Author : Andrea Bartz
Pub Date : 20 June 2023

Thank you NetGalley, Random House Publishing Group — Ballantine & the author for the opportunity to read and review this book.

I ate up this book. I am a sucker for a good thriller and this book sounded like quite the summer thriller. The cover screamed summer and mystery. I couldn’t wait to get into this book. I had never read a book by Andrea before and I can say that I will be keeping my eye on their books because YES! I ended this book having to pick my jaw off the floor because there were lots of twists and turns in this book.

I literally tried guessing what was going to happen in this book turn by turn and I never once figured it out. I was iffy about reading a book that takes place during COVID because COVID is a huge trigger for me but it wasn’t what I thought. I have already recommended this book to a handful of friends who I told that they need to put this on their TBR. If you haven’t already put this on your TBR, you need to do that now. You will not be disappointed.

Easy 4 stars for me.