A review by 00laura23
The Viscount's Reluctant Bride. Book 4. by Ava Bond


Gregory and Maeve are very interesting characters, with vastly different backgrounds. I enjoyed their marriage of convenience and their time together on page. When Gregory is romantic, he goes all out and shows his soft heart, which is well hidden behind a tough exterior. Many of the secondary characters added to the texture of the story. The subplot was intriguing, having several twists and turns that captivated my attention and had me turning pages.

There were times when it felt like the story dragged. I wish that some of the secondary characters had been used more effectively than they were in the story. Some appear just to move the story along, which given their importance to the main characters, I would have liked to have seen them appear more in the story. I also wish that the heroine hand not been a-typical when it came to her role in the final conflict. I wanted more for this character.

I overall enjoyed this story – both the romance and the subplot. Characters from the previous books make appearances in this story, and therefore, this is a series better enjoyed reading in order.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.