A review by kylita
Fish in a Tree by Lynda Mullaly Hunt


I waited to review this book because I have been realizing that I will read a book and just rate it without truly thinking through how I feel.

What worked for me:
-Yay for starting to dismantle ableism. I have a learning disability (dyscalculia) and I didn’t know until I was IN MY LAST SEMESTER OF COLLEGE. I was convinced I just wasn’t smart enough to do math. I think that it is wonderful to have books helping us recognize that no one’s brain works the same and we can use it to our advantage!

-Ally isn’t just a saint from the beginning, she has to learn to be more inclusive herself.

What didn’t work for me:
-I’m glad that Ally was accepted in the end but I think that everything turned out too sugary. I recognize this is a book for middle grade readers but middle grade readers would have come up against tough realities already.

Okay. So now the problem with me waiting since I read it to rate: I’ve already read other books and don’t remember all the thoughts I had about it. Oh well!