A review by praxis
Fraudster by RV Raman


I received the book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

Fraudster is a person who commits fraud, especially in business dealings and RV Raman gives us a set of them, though the title suggests otherwise, of the highest degree.One should sit tight and hold their breath as he takes us on the ride full of thrills.

While the book is full of financial jargon which might take some time for the reader to get used to as Raman offers the helping hand to guide through this genius plot of his. But his red herrings become apparent to the readers as it is not well concealed by the author. Also some characters are thrown on the face of readers which comes across as last minute attempt to tie the tale leaving behind few ends loose.

Nevertheless, Raman weaves a web of deceit which is quite gripping and is worth a read.