A review by bbensonn
The Botany of Desire: A Plant's-Eye View of the World by Michael Pollan


I finally have some time to write some reviews!!

If you're into anthropology/social sciences I highly suggest this book!

Over the past few years as I've gotten more comfortable with reading non-fiction I've found that some books are more consumable than others. The Botany of Desire is the kind of read that you can take breaks with and not be totally confused when you pick it up a few weeks or days later. I love it for this! The author does a really good job weaving personal experience with his field work research, as well as more science heavy information.

The book is structured in four parts, each looking at a plant and using that plant's biological evolutionary history as a lens to view a human desire through. I'll give an example.

Through the exploration of the tulip, Michael Pollan dissects human beings' desire for beauty. The exploration of the apple is used to better understand mankind's obsession with sweetness. The other two plants explored are weed and the potato.

Again, the book was really easy to understand and I honestly found the information really interesting! My favorite was probably either the weed or potato section. If your looking for something that will give you an interesting take on the consequences and benefits of human interaction with nature, then pick this book up!!!

*It's also super good on audio!!*