A review by eesh25
The Wrath & the Dawn by Renée Ahdieh


I heard so many great things about this book that made me really excited to read it. But at the same time, everyone was going on and on about how perfect it is so I was also worried that I was going to be let down.

Fortunately, I wasn't let down. The starting of the story was interesting but I didn't like Shahrzad at first. It's just, after reading the synopsis, I thought that she'd have a very good plan to made sure that she didn't die the next morning. She didn't have a plan. And it was so infuriating because if Khalid was the monster she believed him to be, then she would have died and there was nothing to save her. She got better as the story progressed. She wasn't nearly as stupid or careless but I just can't ignore the fact that she volunteered to die without a plan. It's like an unforgivable sin. But yeah, I still do think she's really great. She really grew as a character.

The big reveal, the one I was dreading (I always dread big reveals because... what's if they're not good enough? It would ruin the book.) was, thankfully, quite good. It didn't really come as a shock since some of it was given in the prologue and there were hints throughout the book. But, I don't it was meant as a plot twist. It was just a secret and it was about Shahrzad's reaction and decision. Her reaction was fine.

One thing that kind of disappointed me was another thing that was supposed to have a reason.
SpoilerWhy Khalid went to her room that night when he didn't go to anyone else's.
There was a reason given but I felt that it wasn't enough, or wasn't explained as well. I would have liked to know a bit more.

But otherwise, the story was really good, the writing was fantastic, it was fast paced and there was never a boring moment.

There was an element of a love triangle but at the same time, not really. It was just about some she loved before meeting Khalid. It didn't bother me much. Hopegully, it won't bother me in the next book either because that could potentially ruin the alure of the book.

The characters were good. I really liked Khalid and Shahrzad and the chemistry between the two. I love Jalal, he is such great presence. Not going to say anything about Delphina because I feel like even saying that I liked her or disliked her would be a spoiler. I'm curious about Shekhar because we don't know anything about him and I want to know. I liked Rahim too.

I have mixed feeling about Tariq. Sometimes, I like him but other times, I want to strangle him. I like that he cares about Shahrzad but he needs to give her more credit because other than her not-having-a-plan moment and a bit of impulsiveness in the beginning, she's a smart girl. She's not the kind of person that would be easily tricked or forced into a monster's trap. I hated that h treated her like a child who wasn't to be trusted with anything regarding her own life or otherwise.

About the ending... OH MY GOD!

Not going to to say if it's a good OMG, bad one, sad one or frustrated one(Although, concidering this book is first in a series, it can't be that happy). I just really need the next book. Especially after reading an excerpt of the prologue of it.