A review by aublar
A Daughter's Inheritance by Judith Miller, Tracie Peterson


This is a great story; romantic, clean, and heartwarming.

The setting of the book was so important to the plot, that it was a little jarring when the setting completely changed. I felt like I didn't know the characters (except Jonas) outside of Broadmore Island and somehow I expected them to be different off the island.

This book made me think a lot about social classes. Classes must exist if anyone wants to experience something nice or luxurious. For example, the wealthy can only have a fancy party if there are poorer people who need the work to prepare and serve the food, etc. I have only been able to enjoy cruises because there are people poorer than me who need the money and are willing to work the crummy cruise line jobs. I am sure that most of my clothes only exist for the same reason If we were all truly socially and economically equal, we would all have to be working class, without luxuries or nice things. (Unless we all agreed to take turns serving each other...ha!) Rich only exists if there is poor and vice versa. Does this mean that I will stop wearing mass produced clothes or taking nice vacations? Probably not, but it was interesting to think about.