A review by whatmeworry
The Devil's Equinox by John Everson


‘The Devil’s Equinox’ is a horror novel with a lot of sex in it. I’m not sure I’d describe it as erotic, but it’s certainly dirty. The plot is slight, protagonist Austin has a shrewish wife and a newborn baby. He meets a sexy woman in a bar, who grants him his most longed for wish, freedom from his wife. Naturally this comes at a cost, but not before Austin gets indicted into the mysterious club his new friend is a member of.
It’s all a bit like on of Dennis Wheatley’s books, but set in contemporary America. There’s lots of bad sex and devil worship and human sacrifice and blah blah blah.
The book is readable but never really interesting, the sex takes up too many of the pages and with a couple of exceptions the horror is dull. I did like the ending though.