A review by jadeshea
River's End by Leanne Davis


River's End begins when Erin's mother dies and Erin has no where to go, so she finds the last place she heard her brother was. Not that Erin and her brother are close, or even like each other, but she has no where else to go. She never expected to find a ranch with several brothers living on it, especially not Jack, who she knows she should stay away from, but he can't seem to leave her along.

These two have a strange relationship, and it gets worse when Erin has no idea what's going on around her, or what to do next. But, along the way she must figure it out if she's going to survive from then on.

This book started out interesting, and slightly intense. But, then the same conversations kept happening over and over again, and it was very annoying.

Also, I really didn't like Erin, or Jack, and I had a hard time connecting to either of the characters.

Other than the strange drama that happened this book was pretty much rinse and repeat over and over again. I felt like if there had been more depth to the story it would have been better, but alas it wasn't.

This one was just not for me, and over all I really didn't like it.