A review by laurentalevski
Mafia Darling by Mila Finelli


⭐⭐⭐⭐ Loved it! Would recommend, almost perfect and likely would reread.

Francesca is a mafia princess set to marry Guilio the son of the a Don in Italy but that doesn't go to plan. Now she is battling the chemistry with Fausto, the Don, who is 21 years older than her and they can not fight their connection. Fausto is determined to have her on his terms and he always gets what he wants. This book picks up right at the end of the first book and is action packed from started to finish.

I loved seeing Fausto learn to soften in this one and learn to love Frankie, the plot was freaking insane and I just had so much fun. I can't wait to see where the rest of the series goes.

Tropes: mafia, age gap (21 years), sons fiancé, arranged marriage, enemies to lovers
Triggers: mafia activity, mean mmc, kidnapping, homophobia, violence