A review by missbookiverse
Another Day by David Levithan


So hard to rate this one. It made me like Rhiannon a lot more. In [b:Every Day|13262783|Every Day (Every Day, #1)|David Levithan|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1356993940s/13262783.jpg|18464379] she was just kind of there. Okay, so in this one she is also just kind of there but hearing her thoughts made me like her more and sympathise with her. Nevertheless, nothing new was added to her and A's story. A lot of scenes are the same because they include both characters. When A is not around Rhiannon thinks a lot (but those are not new thoughts, she either already voiced them in ED or I thought of them myself while reading ED), or she tries to please her boyfriend/family/friends. I wish I could've gotten to know her better. Doesn't she have a hobby? Why is her relationship with her parents and sister so complicated? What did she ever see in Justin? There must be something in him or in their past that's making her hold on to their clearly unhealthy relationship. And her friends, they are awesome, could we please have spent more time with them? Suicidal thoughts are mentioned, when was this and why? Why is this not explored? It's all about A and wrapping her mind around his situation. That's fine in a way. I did enjoy the writing, I just wish David Levithan had taken this to a whole new level instead of writing a lazy second perspective.

I don't think Every Day needed this companion and I doubt that it needs the sequel that's in the works but I'm going to read it anyway because the ending of ED and AD made me curious and because I adore David Levithan's writing. Just please, someone make him write new books instead of adding to stories that worked perfectly on their own.