A review by wildflowerz76
A Taste Of Magic by J. Elle


Elle's book about a Black girl who enters a baking contest to save her magic school is so full of fun and heart that I can't wait for more! Kyana's magic has just come in and she's started magic school on Saturdays in the secret room at her hairdressers. But redistricting means that her school might not be able to continue due to lack of funding. So what else is a new witch to do but use her baking skills to enter a contest, win the money, and save the day!

At first, I thought there was just too much going on. But I settled in and realized that it's not too much....it's just right. This was a fun one to read. It read older to me than, say, Amari and the Night Brothers. Not for content, but maybe because there was a good amount of slang that you don't usually see in middle grade? I don't know. It's nothing that would keep me from recommending this at all. In fact, I have a few customers in mind for this one at our store once it comes out...