A review by bookish_kristina
Highland Surrender by Heather McCollum


This was ok. All of these books are just ok. Fairly well written, enough research to be believable and fairly steamy sex scenes, but very little plot depth or character development. Basically these books are pretty much campy Scottish trope-soup. They pass the time but all blur together after awhile.
If you haven’t read this author before, this could be a fun, sexy, not too deep read, but I’m kind of sick of her now after reading about five of her books. These are extremely templated and because of that, really repetitious. Even my review is repetitious because I don’t have much to say other than meh, been there, read that.
This book runs up against a major premise problem that the plot twists just could not overcome; if these amazing Wolf Warriors are the greatest and fiercest fighters why then did they need to kidnap Hannah? Their queen wants her so she can control her warrior brothers who are the greatest and fiercest fighters, so she gets the greatest fiercest fighters to kidnap her. One of these two groups, either the current series’ warriors or the next series’ warriors will need to be lesser warriors for this to work. I think this Wolf Warrior business is a set up for yet another series of four strong men with a strong feisty sister (why change now?) it kind of doesn’t work if we are meant to believe these Norse warriors are so shit hot. This is obviously a bridge book carrying one series to another and because of that, it’s kind of weak plot wise and overrun with characters from past books, story recapping and set up characters for the next books. I dislike books like this because inevitably the story is weak, which it is here, add that to the lack of originality and this wasn’t a great addition.

Thanks to NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book in exchange for my feedback.