A review by helterskelliter
ショーハショーテン! 1 Shouha Shouten! 1 by Akinari Asakura


Since failing to cheer up a childhood friend when she needed it most, Shijima has been honing his comedy skills.

He responds everyday to comedy prompts online and is even regularly featured, known as Everyday Shijimi. But, that’s about all he can do. See, Shijimi is terribly shy. Performing live, though integral to comedy, is something Shijimi can’t bring himself to do. He can barely speak up in class or reach out to students in his role as a student council representative.

When Shijima’s tasked with following up with a student about their comedy routine in a school wide sketch show though, he may just have found the partner he needs to find his nerve.

Higashikata is outgoing and not afraid of being laughed at. Coming from a background in child acting, he’s long since overcome stage fright. That said, he struggles a bit with perfecting his material.

When Higashikata discovers that Shijima is a local online comedy genius, he believes it’s fate that they collaborate and become a duo!

But, will Shijima be able to overcome not only his introverted nature but also his own self doubts about the quality of his comedy? More, can Shijima convince his family to support him in following his passions rather than following his family’s wishes to go to a prestigious college?

This is an unexpectedly great read!

The premise is unique and, to be honest, one I feared wouldn’t translate very well to the page. But, I found myself really invested in this story and these two characters who have this great charm and chemistry and these fairly legible motivations. This feels like a believable story.

I think the approach this story is what really helps it along. The comedy is an aspect of the story, yes, but it’s really a coming of age story about these two young boys identifying their passions and making choices about their futures. The comedy could be a stand in for anything really.

Definitely recommend for fans of unique, coming of age stories or for fans of manga series who are looking for a “palette cleanser”—I.e a story that’s not necessarily a romance or an action-packed thriller but still compels you along~