A review by nonprofitkate
Raising My Rainbow: Adventures in Raising a Fabulous, Gender Creative Son by Lori Duron


If I could have given this book more than five stars I would have done so wholeheartedly.

I've been following Duron's blog of the same name for over a year. I was lead to her blog shortly after starting my own journey in blogging. I discovered her by accident after reading a post on Nerdy Apple's blog. I'm not even sure how I found either women since I have nothing outwardly in common with either. I am, however, eternally grateful for finding Duron's blog which is so full of humor, love, and humanity. Like her blog, Duron's book was nothing short of amazing.

Duron has been dealt quite a hand life's game of poker. For instance, her older son is your stereotypical boy her younger son loves Disney princesses. Like...REALLY loves them. Unfortunately, there are many people out there that take issue with C.J.'s love of all things girly and those people can't seem to keep their mouths shut.

Duron and her family handle the situation with as much grace as one can muster in a situation like theirs. It's not rarely easy but the love Duron and her husband have for both of their children is tangible in the pages of her book.

I cannot understand how anyone who reads Duron's book would dare say she does not love her children or that she is harming them. I've never met Lori or Matt Duron, but I have never known two people who were more devoted to their children. Their message of loving, not changing, their son is powerful.

This book has a message that is accessible by more than just those in the LGBTQ community. It is really a story of love, acceptance, devotion, and tolerance, not just of those who are gay, or gender-nonconforming, or transgender but of EVERYONE who is different.

Her book is universal and I highly praise and recommend her book to anyone who will listen.