A review by lucy_qhuay
Ecstasy Unveiled by Larissa Ione


Well, Hell's fucking bells! :D
I loved Lore and Idess's story so much!

And the best of all is, this was really a surprise because I didn't quite know what to think about Lore in Passion Unleashed.
I'm happy to admit that now he seriously rivals with Eidolon for the position of sexiest demon ever! +.+

Lore is a half-breed demon, which means that he is part human and part seminus.
He and his sister, Sin, are the slaves of a demented master demon called Deth and they are forced to serve as their master's assassins.
But now Lore is giving a mission that can set them both free - he has to kill Kynan Morgan, the very man he recently brought back to life.
If he doesn't succeed, Sin will be killed, so it is obvious that he is hell bent on being successful and will stop at nothing to achieve his goal.
And then we have Idess.
She is an earthbound angel, hoping that her Ascension is near so that she can get her wings and ascend to Heaven.
She is tasked with the protection of primori, humans or demons with a crucial role in the future of the world and Kynan is one of the primori she has to protect.
When she senses that Lore wants to kill Kynan, she thwarts his plan and is set on killing him herself or letting him be killed by either Shade, Wraith or Kynan.
But in a surprising turn of events, Lore becomes one of her primori, which means not only that she can't allow that, but also that she has to protect him.
Instead, she imprisons him in her house, so that he can't run away and kill Kynan or be killed.
At first, both Lore and Idess are determined to do what must be done to complete their missions but slowly, they start getting to know each other and they see that they have much in common.

I loved how incredible tortured these two were and how they found what they needed to be whole again in each other.
They were very much like ghosts - apart from the world, living a recluse life and longing for something more.
Lore had his strange ability keeping him from truly living.
He couldn't touch people or else they would fall dead, which meant that he couldn't get close to people and be more intimate.
That was something he really hungered for - proximity. To be able to have something meaningful.
It was so emotional to see a man that powerful with that particular vulnerability.
Besides, he also lived plagued by a terrible guilt for what he didn't do for Sin, his twin, when she needed him.
It broke my herat! :(
Idess, on her side, lived tormented by great guilt due to her betrayal of her brother and by the loneliness brought upon by the life someone set on ascend has to have.
She had such a terrible burden on her shoulders, as well.
I'm glad they found and held on to each other.
But not before some major heartbreak. :'(
You don't even know how much I cried when Idess was called back to the heavens and she thought she was going to be destroyed because of the transgressions she committed and she and Lore thought they would never see each other again! :'(

I am very curious to read Sin's story.
She intrigued me a great deal in this book. She really looks like a female Wraith! xD
But I can't say the same about Conall! He seemed to be a huge asshole!
What the hell? I admit, Sin is not really an easy person/demon to deal with but he didn't need to say such cruel things! :@

Speaking of assholes, I was royally pissed off with a lot of the gang because of what they were doing to Lore and Eidolon! :@
Shade especially pissed me the fuck off! --'
He had no right to judge Lore as he did, as if he was better than him! His own past was more than a bit shady!
And he certainly didn't have the right to do what he did to Eidolon, who only wanted to protect his family, including Lore, and give Lore a chance.
And Wraith, Runa, Kynan and even Gem didn't have that right either!
Dammit! They were all tag teaming on Eidolon and saying some pretty hurtful shit!
Bastards! :@