A review by beckiebookworm1974
Die For You by Michele Mills


This was ok there were some slight things that irked me and I did find the heroine quite immature and at times a bit oblivious. It’s a post-apocalyptic age-gap romance and is actually well written it’s very instalove in nature and we do have some slight darkness in regards to secondary characters. Nineteen soon to be twenty Rachel Donnelly is a history major when the virus hit she came home to be with her family now alone and scared she decides to set out of San Diego where the bodies of the dead are piling up. Adam Sanchez is a marine sniper he’s older than Rachel thirty-two I think. When all on his base succumbed to illness and died he knew it was time to get out of the city. These two meet on the road and their initial suspicion gives way to relief that they’ve found each another live human, especially after all of the death.

So Rachel and Adam equal road trip these two are very different Adam is super capable Rachel not so much she also has a million insecurities and hang-ups but the one thing they do have in common is they both want to bang each other’s bones though Adam initially vows to steer clear thinking Rachel to young to handle his kinks.

So yeh I found Rachel super annoying she does whine a lot and she’s definitely not as capable as Adam but she fell in shit and came up smelling of roses when she found him on the road as Rachel definitely wouldn’t have even lasted five minutes on her own I mean the girl can’t even handle a gun without freaking. There was so much about Rachel that irritated me from her selfishness with the water and the air conditioner and her weird preoccupation with libraries and information instead of survival skills and everyone with one exception seems to baby her hell it’s obvious why she gets away with this crap.

There was also a couple of other things that irritated me so they meet two other males on the road and they team up Christian is grieving his family and then we have ex-con Trevor who also instantly wants to bone Rachel. This is also where I got annoyed Adam doesn’t trust Trevor but within a very space short of time he’s agreeing to maybe have Trevor come in as a third with Rachel it’s one of his kinks to call all the shots and have another male pleasure his woman. Now I have nothing against ménage this wasn’t my problem it was the context and the fact Rachel was a freaking virgin a few days prior and he hardly knows Trevor to trust him this much with his woman and to then agree to this and to also have the conversation initially without even discussing it with his girl It also seemed really random and a bit risky. I mean Trevor was ok but Adam didn’t know him well enough for any sort of trust on his part and Rachel is not a toy. Then there’s that fact that they literally advertise their location with those radio broadcasts for other survivors it just seemed stupid and plain dangerous.

There was also some darkness in regards to secondary characters and breadcrumbs where Trevor will get his story next. It may not seem like it but I did enjoy this to a point it just also equally irritated me. I am planning on picking up book two as I want to know more about Trevor overall for me this had equal positives and negatives.

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Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm