A review by dakotavander
Matilda by Roald Dahl


📚 ✨ Matilda by Roald Dahl ✨ 📚 

If I’ve talked to you about art in any length you would know that one of my favorite artists is Quentin Blake who illustrated most of Roald Dahl’s works. It is mostly for his drawings that I love his books so much.

But Matilda particularly I have always loved. As a kid who loved books I often wished I also could move things with my mind and befriend my favorite teacher. 

The book is short and sweet and funny as Dahl always is. To read it back now makes me miss seeing students read it for the first time as I would often give it to my better readers when I taught elementary school.

Now, if I was being overly analytical (which I don’t thing is necessary or should be considered seriously), some parts of the story didn’t age well. Lol. It’s essentially a children’s worst nightmare come to life with Miss Trunchbull but could you imagine any of the things she says let alone does happening today? And Miss Honey… such sweet and innocent memories of her but as an adult, GURL, don’t be inviting students over to your house after school! Creep alert! 

But it’s light, it’s goofy, it’s fun. The only reason I reread it this week was because I wanted to watch the movie and I have a rule this year that I have to read something before I watch it. Coming at you next, Dune!