A review by theliteraryhooker
The Girl Who Hid in the Trees by Steve Stred, Gavin Kendall


**Full review HERE at Sci-Fi & Scary.**

Review Excerpt:

It’s no secret that I’m not huge on gore in my horror. I go more for the anxiety-inducing, slow building, atmospheric horror. But every so often, I’ll happen across a guts-filled monstrosity that just makes me think, yes, this is what I needed. The Girl Who Hid in the Trees is DEFINITELY one of those. This novella hooked me from page one, much the way one might hook a still-beating heart from a teenager’s body.

All in all, this was a pretty positive introduction to Stred’s writing, and the main story in the collection was extremely creepy and made for a quick, satisfying read. I’ll definitely be looking forward to exploring what else his scary mind has to offer!