A review by mandalor3960
A Walk Among the Tombstones by Lawrence Block


One of the best installments in the Matt Scudder series. The book features gruesome imagery and a pair of killers that are as formidable and dangerous as previous criminals in the series. For once Scudder faces a serious dilemma in the form of questioning his relationship with Elaine. The subplot of Peter is equally interesting. This book would've received a full 4 stars had it not been for the long investigation that takes a toll after 250 of the 300 pages that provide little action.

Rating Update 29 May 2019
Three stars to four star. The reason behind this demotion is because the investigation took a toll, as in boredom resulted from reading so much of it.

Rating Update 12 June 2019
With the adoption of my new rating system, a three star rating is befitting. I do not recall the contents of the novel. A three star rating is a safe estimate that leans towards a "liking" rating for the book, since the original review speaks highly of the book and my "Matthew Scudder List" document ranks "A Walk Among the Tombstones" as my third overall favorite book in the series, below "When the Sacred Ginmill Closes" and "The Sins of the Fathers".

September 5, 2019
Rating Update
I have lowered the rating of this book to two stars. I cannot remember the contents of this book and I only remember the movie's plot. However, I have lowered the rating for two reasons. The first reason is that I have had a lingering feeling that the three star-rating was based upon my liking for the film that transgressed for the book, similar to how I had previously rated "Solaris" at four stars because I had enjoyed the film and had mixed my feelings of the film with the book. The second reason is because of this sentence in the original review: "This book would've received a full 4 stars had it not been for the long investigation that takes a toll after 250 of the 300 pages that provide little action". A four star-rating in 2016 means a three star-rating, and the book had been awarded a three star-rating then, when means a two star-rating now. I consider my time precious and to read a three hundred page book with the best parts needing buildup, even if to the extent of three hundred pages, is too much.

September 14, 2019
Rating Update
I have lowered the rating from two stars to one star. I will expand on my belief from the rating update from September 5, 2019: "I consider my time precious and to read a three hundred page book with the best parts needing buildup, even if to the extent of three hundred pages, is too much". I can't imagine myself coming to read this book again because of having to trudge through two hundred and fifty pages. The format of the mystery genre is a trudge.

December 30, 2019
Rating Update
One star to two stars. I must retract my previous rating update. I am not sure if I find the long, two hundred and fifty page buildup to be OK. I seemed to generally like the novel in the original review, so perhaps I was fine with the long buildup. It is safe to rate the book at two stars because I have forgotten my original feelings.

April 7, 2020
I have left a note on my phone that was last edited on January 1, 2020. It reads as follows: "I remember finishing A Walk Among the Tombstones and being disappointed that the film was better than the book, which means that it's an automatic two star-rated book.