A review by jackiehorne
Gabriel: Lord of Regrets by Grace Burrowes


I loved Burrowes' early books, but after a while, they all started to read the same, so I went on a hiatus. When this one was on sale for .99 as an ebook, I decided to give Burrowes another try. Weirdly, all of the falling in love between the primary couple in this book took place in a previous book, so I went and got that one (Beckmann, Lonely Lords #4), expecting to read more about them. But we aren't given much of their story in that book, either. Thus this story, in which a lord who ran away from his estate after being attacked and fearing his younger brother was to blame, and who then comes back to get to the bottom of things after he hears said brother has been in 3 different duels didn't really work for me on the romance front. The secondary couple (the former fiancee of the missing lord, and the lord's younger brother, who married said fiancee after his brothers' apparent death) was far more interesting; wish we had gotten their story, rather than Gabriel's...