A review by alisonalisonalison
Don't Fear the (Not Really Grim) Reaper by Carole Cummings


I loved this. It's a silly farce and it's delightful frothy fun. I read it in one sitting and it was a great way to spend a couple of hours. I laughed a lot. I loved the tone of this book and all the unexplained pop culture references--Doctor Who, The Neverending Story, Firefly, Star Trek, Star Wars, etc. Do pay attention to the "warning" at the beginning--this is a very silly book that does not take itself seriously. It's short, ridiculous, and wonderful. It's not really a romance, more of an extended meet-cute and it's superbly entertaining. Carole Cummings writes both fantasy extremes so well--light and silly (like this) or dark and intense (the Wolf's Own or Aisling series)--and I love all of it. I'm always looking forward to what's next from this author.