A review by jenhurst
Watersnakes by Tony Sandoval, Lucas Marangon


Blog Post
I got this book from Netgally in exchange for an honest review.

The artwork in this book is amazing. It's beautiful, surreal and gothic, with just the right amount of creepiness. This book has octopuses, lesbians, bad ass females, foxes and family relationships. Oh and an obsession with teeth. The story has a sense of melancholy to it and quirkiness.

There wasn't a lot of world building or character development, which is my complaint with the book. It didn't wow me, and based off of the blurb I was excited for it. Gnlsts and an ancient king? Adventurous friend that shows the way to more excitement? Things I typically love. I also do enjoy graphic novels, and wasn't expecting a ton of character development or world development due to the method of presentation. Even still, it didn't reach that for me. This could very likely be a me, not you moment but it wasn't for me. After I read this I learned that it was middle grade, which surprised me with the artwork, but makes sense with the character development and simplicity of the story.

2 wineglasses out of 5.

I honestly think this was just me. The story just didn't work for me, because lack of world building and character development are deal breakers for me. It felt a little too simple of a story for me. For a middle grade novel, it is good. The artwork is great and the story is on par for MG books. I'd recommend it to that age group, but I wouldn't recommend it to adults.
