A review by samthebookdevotee
Rockoholic by C.J. Skuse


This book was so different from what I expected... and I LOVED it! This book was so hilarious and cute. I couldn't get enough of it. The cover looks amazing too. This book was so exciting and realistic. It felt so real. I loved all the characters and their different personalities. I loved Jody. SHe is a riot. I love how she comes up with crazy ideas. Also how she does stupid things like I don't know kidnap a rock star :). Mac was pretty funny too. He was my favorite character. He would do anything for Jody and and help her out with fixing her mistakes. Jackson was such a jerk at first. I couldn't believe him. I did like seeing him change little by little though. It was nice. I would have loved to have seen his and Mac's point of views. It would have been very interesting. I really think Jody should think things through in the near future. The ending was really good. It was perfect. I wouldn't change a thing about it. Overall, this book was funny and made me laugh so hard my friends thought I was insane. I reccomend this to both guys and girls. I hope to read more books by this author in the future.