A review by geekyjack
Tokyo Ghost Volume 1: Atomic Garden by Rick Remender


Rick Remender has done it again... Tokyo Ghost Volume 1 is quite simply breathtaking.

The artwork by Sean Murphy & Matt Hollingsworth is incredible and brings the dystopian future of Tokyo Ghost to life. The world that the team have created in this comic is scarily believable, touching on themes and events that are happening in the world today.

Technology is taking over people's lives. A couple of major corporations own the majority of the money on Earth. Pollution and climate change are destroying nature (and a small statement that appears on one page says 98% of Americans don't believe humans are to blame for it). There is a class system so extreme that news reports say it's good news when 80 low class citizens are murdered. The events throughout this comic feel real. They hit home because they are just slightly more extreme versions of the modern day.

Putting comparisons to today aside, this comic is much more than just a dystopian action comic. It is a heartbreaking love story and about a boy and a girl that are slowly being torn apart by the world they live in. It is gripping and action packed with some characters that are instantly loveable and plot line that twists and turns like rollercoaster. The final issue in Volume 1 is utterly heartbreaking, with a cliff hanger that is making me pick up Volume 2 straight away. If you enjoy comics, dystopian futures or sci-fi, then this is a must read.