A review by liketheday
An Extraordinary Union by Alyssa Cole


I don't want to talk a lot of smack about this book because I can see why other people would like it a lot, but it was just absolutely not written for me. It kind of reminded me of [b:Fortune's Pawn|15790894|Fortune's Pawn (Paradox #1)|Rachel Bach|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1375610325s/15790894.jpg|21512449] where you've got this interesting story going and then WHAM sex bits and you're like, but, wait, the story, okay, fine. Except that the story part of Fortune's Pawn is sci-fi, which I am totes into, and the story part of An Extraordinary Union is historical fiction, which I am totes not. I did not care about the Civil War spy shenanigans, partly because the characters also seemed not to care so much about them.

However, toward the end of the book I left my Kindle at home, which would normally mean no ebooks because I hate staring at a backlit screen more than I already have to, and yet I found myself loading up the book on my phone and flicking through pages at lunch, at the dentist, and then at home where I could have gotten my Kindle but then I would have had to wait to know what happened! So props to Cole for writing a page-turner, even if the story in those pages was not to my liking.