A review by readingactually
The Wedding Date by Zara Stoneley


I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

My Review Of

The Wedding Date by Zara Stoneley

I read The Wedding Date by Zara Stoneley in one sitting with a bowl of popcorn and enjoyed every minute of (the popcorn too!) Samantha has been dumped by Liam, not just dumped but has found out that his new girlfriend is pregnant! Samantha must attend her best friends wedding and unfortunately two timing Liam is the best man. What follows is a sometimes hilarious , romantic and charming story. Samantha hires Jake, a hunky actor to  play the role of her boyfriend but lets be honest here, I knew from there first meeting that there had to be more. Did I mention that Jake is a hunk, a dog lover and quite charming. Harry the dog stole quite a few scenes with his jump off the pages adorableness. This author knows how to create/write a leading man that is hunky, charming and lovable. I loved Samantha and her dilemma about Liam being at the wedding of her best friend along with her paid for "boyfriend" makes for a wonderful romantic comedy/chick-lit.This review was originally posted on My Fiction Obsession