A review by lifeofaliterarynerd
Be True to Me by Adele Griffin


So, this will be pretty short because I didn’t really love this story. I guess exclusive and ritzy island stories aren’t for me because I didn’t like [b:We Were Liars|16143347|We Were Liars|E. Lockhart|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1402749479s/16143347.jpg|21975829] either. I wanted a fun summer story of love and drama, but the abundance of pettiness just made the story drag for me.

Things I Liked:
This book really delivered on the summer drama and teen angst. It was over the top and very entertaining. It also helped the plot to move quickly.

Things I Didn’t Like:
All of the characters were so petty and selfish and unlikeable. Which also made all of the relationship dynamics uninteresting to me. They never actually felt like real people who were trying to navigate this exclusive island, they felt like whiny children.

The love triangle was so boring. Call this a controversial opinion, but I actually have nothing against love triangles, and I think they can actually add tension to the story if done well. But here, I felt like the love triangle was just a way to get these two girls who didn’t really like each other to hate each other even more, over a guy they just met.

I wanted a story of intense family drama and beach politics of the wealthy in this exclusive island, but I felt like I never got to know any of these characters. If you like fun beachy reads, this will probably work for you, or if you’re craving some high class drama.

I received a copy of the book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.