A review by allie_love
And Furthermore by Judi Dench


In 2006 I was studying Shakespeare abroad and happened to be in London when Dame Judi Dench was starring in Hay Market. I eagerly got tickets with two friends and watched the production in awe. It wasn't seeing Dame Judi in Shakespeare (I wish!) but seeing her on stage was electrifying. Lightening in a bottle. Even though she was in her seventies she was up and down the stairs of that set with agility and grace that made it impossible to tear your eyes away. She was funny, sophisticated, and amazing to see.

After the show we waited by the stage door, just hoping to glimpse her leaving even. A stagehand we chatted with warned us she liked to wait to leave to avoid a crowd if possible, but we were determined to stay. After awhile only a dozen or so of us remained and she exited the theatre. To our surprise she spoke with every single person who waited for her, pausing for autographs or photos with everyone who wanted one. She was so personable and listened intently to whatever you said (Gosh I wish I remember it all word for word now a decade later). As a theatre student I was just in awe. The photo I have of the two of us is so special to me, even if I do look a tad manic from my excitement. After she met with everyone she got into the back seat of her car, leaned her head back against the seat, and closed her eyes as the car sped off. Few stars of such caliber would be so gracious and I will never forget that.

I need to find her other autobiography or biography as the only issue I had with this book was that it left me wanting more. I did love the behind the scenes look of certain aspects and hearing personal stories of legends, but I definitely do want more!