A review by fitzsbeloved
Reign or Shine by Michelle Rowen


I'm really not sure about this book. I like it, I really do, but...Michael. Ugh.

This is the first time I've ever liked a main female character and totally wanted to stab the love interest with a pitchfork. He was just so...so stupid.

You know that insanely, ridiculously, and utterly retarded TV show, That 70s Show? Whenever Michael came into the book, my thoughts went straight to...well...Michael "Kelso" Kelso...

"Do you have any idea how annoying you are?"

"It wasn't every day I came right out and admitted my real feelings. But Michael seemed to be the type of guy who needed these things spelled out for him."

See. Even Nikki acknowledges it!

But, I will give him props for being one of the only Michaels I know of in a book that didn't have blonde hair, blue eyes, and played guitar. Awesome points from me.

Besides Michael, the story was just really predictable. I knew who the bad guy was, the motive, and how they were going to be stopped not even half-way through the book. Seriously people, when the bad guy is oozing niceness, it's obvious what their intentions are.

Then there is the over-all cheesiness of the book (it cheesiness a word?! o_O). I mean, the last couple of lines in the book were: Mess with the demon and you get the horns. Cute horns, but still, horns.

Nikki Donovan was okay compared to most heroines. She was actually pretty bad-ass at times, and didn't rely on Michael to save her. (Okay, she did once!). But why is she so damn peppy? Was Rowan trying to contrast her demon self and her human self? If so, too far.

Before you know it, demons are going to be sparkling, too.

The over-all plot of the story is pretty good, and it kept me entertained for the most part. It's very fast-paced, and there were really no boring parts. I did really like the book, much to my complaining over Facebook, and too Christina...and my mom.

The only reason I picked up this book was because I wanted to prove that I am a better demon princess that Nikki Donovan...I am~