A review by nyctei
Extinction Point by Paul Antony Jones


I don't understand...How so many people can give this 4 or 5 stars.
Yes there were some good moments. There was some okay action. I loved the premise, the red rain, the aliens/creatures.
But it was slow. So so so slow. And unnecessary.
She wanders around, doesn't really seem too upset about like EVERYONE being dead...her boyfriend dying in front of her.
She tries so hard to convince you that she absolutely can't drive a car. Seriously, she never needed to. She rides her bike and takes the subway and stuff. She lived in a small town before. Okay, I don't have my license but I still am capable of driving a car. Especially if no one else is driving because everyone is dead. You have to be a complete idiot to not even know how a car works. One pedal is gas, the other is brake, the round thing goes around so you can change directions.
So she gets a new bike and packs up a ridiculous amount of supplies. And she would like you to know exactly every item and how many of that item and how much it weighs and where she packs it in relation to the other things and why she picked that particular spot to put it in....uggghhh.
Eventually she makes it out of the city and into the suburbs. And that's it. That's as far as the book gets.
From other reviews I've concluded that she continues in this fashion throughout the second book. The pace does not pick up, the minutiae continues and pretty much nothing happens again. I will not be continuing this series.
Maybe if it was ever rewritten so all the fluff was taken out and just the "story" remained (probably condensing the series to one book) then I might give it a shot. Even then IDK because Emily was not very relatable.