A review by tessisreading2
Diary of an Accidental Wallflower by Jennifer McQuiston


On the one hand, witty dialogue and appealing characters; on the other hand, it felt more like a contemporary than a historical (and a contemporary young adult novel at that). It didn't feel realistic that any of these people belonged in regency England. The heroine felt VERY young - most of her ballroom scenes sounded straight out of high school - and the hero felt like an actual adult, which made me squeamish reading the romantic scenes. I was also uncomfortable with the unconventionality of the characters, because it didn't ring true to me; there was a vague sort of lip service paid to various conventions but none of the characters really seemed to take them seriously (literally the convention would be brought up and then the character would be like "whatever I guess I don't care about this convention" two sentences later), so again, with this kind of zippy, zany plot it just didn't feel like a historical novel. I'm usually fairly ok with historical romances that are more romantic than historical, but for whatever reason this one felt like it was stretching my disbelief too far.