A review by ctsquirrel
Hot Summer Nights by Jessie G., Suki Fleet, Alina Popescu, JL Merrow, Aimee Brissay, Teodora Kostova, K.A. Merikan


3.5 average.

Butterfly Wishes by Teodora Kostova
DNF, I don't really like musician romances and anyway this one appears to be a prequel or something. Pass.

Good Boys Don't by K.A. Merikan
3/5 New Adult, 18yo sheltered Christian dude has his first time with a tattooed biker who turns out to be in his favorite metal band. Story is mostly hotel sex and scant plot. Tags: Christian, Faith/Religion, Motorcycles, Erotica, New Adult

Alpaca My Bags by J.L. Merrow
4.5/5 I knew this would be my favorite. Empty-nester connects with an alpaca farmer on the Isle of Wight. HEA included. Tags: Isle of Wight, England, Teachers, Farms, Animals (alpacas and one asshole llama)

Not So Predictable by Jessie G

Everybody in the Place by Suki Fleet
3.5/5 I honestly don't remember much about this one but my notes say 'sweet but rather flowery' Tags: Friends to Lovers, Pansexual, gfy/ofy/bfy (gay first time), England, Authors/Writers (screen writer)

Alpha Mine by Aimee Brissay
DNR (Paranormal some kind of shifter)

Heart of the Dragon by Alina Popescu
3/5 Tags: Shape Shifters, Fantasy, Paranormal, Dragons, Royalty