A review by scarletine6
Guardians of the Haunted Moor by Harper Fox


Personally, I found the storyline about the baby problematic. No matter whether Gideon and Lee were the best choice of parents for Tamzin, the way this was written made me feel uncomfortably like Lee's sister had been coerced into handing over her child. Her character was muddy to say the least- on one hand she was an archeologist, intelligent and career driven. While on the other she was described as being promiscuious, flighty and uncaring. I wasn't sure who she was and she seemed more like a handy shoe-in so that Gid and Lee could be parents.

Gideon and Lee are still a gorgeous couple and I do enjoy the mystery/history and Cornish storylines, but the unease the baby story arc made me feel was too prominent to allow me to enjoy this as much as I'd have liked.