A review by canada_matt
Kick It, Mo! by Sam Ricks, David A. Adler


Neo is back to read and has chosen an interesting book to start. Mo is quite the soccer player, one who loves to kick. He will kick chairs, pillows, and even cans, but he needs to focus on his aim. When he is preparing for the big soccer game, he realises that he needs to get his kicks on the ground, as they seem to fly all over the place. When Mo’s team is up against the much larger Pups, Mo does his best, but is not yet able to score. In the dying seconds, Mo has a chance and yet his nerves get the best of him.

Neo really enjoyed the first part of the book, which talked about all the types of kicks Mo can do on his own. The story was creative and easy to understand, while the illustrations were colourful and caught the eye. He thinks that young and learning readers would enjoy this book, especially since it promotes healthy activity.

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