A review by kathy2012west
International Guy: Washington DC by Audrey Carlan


A good read.

Parker is on to his next client, a beauty company trying to get a bill passed in Washington D.C. What could go wrong? EVERYTHING!
When Parker learns the beauty company is hiding dirty business, him and the other members of IG are determined to close them down. But can they do it? Can they take on a billion dollar company?
Plus, to add more drama, Parker hires Royce's ex to be the companies new lawyer. That goes over great....NOT!!!!
And Parker and Skyler are still getting texts from an unknown person and someone from Skyler's past, a man she worked with once, keeps popping up.
This was a good book. Nothing crazy special but it was still a good read. The story was solid and I enjoyed learning some more of the back story of the guys.
We only have 3 more books to go....... wonder what will happen.