A review by fleurette
Her Dark Half by Paige Tyler


I haven't read a book in this genre in a while. I even didn’t think I might want to do it again. But this one turned out to be quite good.

I'm pretty sure I've read at least one book in this series. But I don't remember much of it. I'm also pretty sure it didn't have much to do with the storyline of this book, that is, looking for John's murderers. This was not a problem at all, everything relevant was well explained. And while I think reading this series in order probably makes more sense, reading this book without knowing the previous ones won't be a big deal.

The main characters in this book are Alina, a former CIA agent, and Trevor, a coyote shifter. I like that Alina is a really strong woman. She is not waiting to be saved, instead she takes the initiative and fights herself. I also like that Trevor, even though he is a shapeshifter and a man with a very strong personality, was not overly possessive. He looks after Alina, but does not limit her. She can still be herself and he is not trying to change that. Overall, I think they make a very good couple. I liked them more than I expected.

The romance is quite simple. But I am not going to say that I had any great expectations in this regard, so I was not particularly disappointed. I believe that is the case with all the books in this series or even genre. Alina and Trevor fall in love very quickly. And just as I often have a problem with that, in this case they fit together quite well. To be quite true, I read about book couples falling in love even faster. Here it all somehow fits the story.

I used to like books like this a lot, but recently I stopped reading them. However this one was quite a nice experience. Maybe I should give them a chance again. This is certainly not a book that I will remember in a month or so, but it's simple and straightforward entertainment, and that's what I was looking for.