A review by camanda
The Sound and the Fury, As I Lay Dying, Sanctuary, Intruder in the Dust by William Faulkner


I only read this edition for Intruder in the Dust; reviews of the other three books can be found separately. Intruder is written in a breathless, stream-of-conscious style, similar to Joyce but clearly Faulknerian in nature. The style works well at some points (the narration of Chick falling through the ice), and at other points, it just gives you a headache (the later explications of the state of the South after the Civil War). Faulkner in his Selected Letters indicated he wrote this book as part of a message to fellow Southerners that they first owe a debt to black Americans without the help (or interference) of the North and the government. Lengthy narrations to this effect distract from the plot of the book, but the point is well made and the story is interesting.