A review by karen_the_baroness
Sprites and Scuttlebutt by Elizabeth Pantley


Sprites and Scuttlebutt by Elizabeth Pantley has the book club entering a book about sprites. 

Will the Book Club stop the culprit? 

The Book Club 
Paige, Glo, Sebastian, Zell, Frankie, Mollie, Valeria, Moonbeam, and Forrest are going to have to rely on their information-gathering skills. The book club has to not get distracted by the colorful scenery of the story and everything else to be able to solve the mystery. Besides that, I love how, with each new installment, each member of the book club gets character development. I also love how they help Valeria embrace the role of being an amateur sleuth with them and help her discover what not to do. Zell and Frankie just keep getting more hilarious with each new installment. Mollie is getting a bit better about embracing the fact that she won't always be seen by the book inhabitants. 

Overall I love this gang and I can't wait to jump back in with another installment. 

The Mystery
The Book Club enters the book and is having fun at the festival when one of the royal staff members gets killed, and then the very next day, they find out that one of the royal family members got put into a deathlike sleep. They are determined to find out who did this and bring them to justice. 

I must say, wow. Ms. Pantley had me going there on everything. I didn't catch anything about what was going on within the royal family. 

Five Stars 
I am giving a five-star rating to Sprites and Scuttlebutt by Elizabeth Pantley and a recommendation to any cozy paranormal mystery readers. Ms. Pantley sure knows how to weave a great story that will keep you guessing. I'm only saying that because she did with me and had me feeling like I was one of the book club members getting to go on an adventure with the rest of them to solve another mystery. 

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. 

Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Sprites and Scuttlebutt by Elizabeth Pantley. 

Until the next time, 
Karen the Baroness 

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