A review by socraticgadfly
Democracy Incorporated: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism by Sheldon S. Wolin


A great overview of how capitalism and republicanism, even though modern republicanism and capitalism arose separately, intertwined in America to give us a corporatized republican government. This is about far more than something like "regulatory capture"; rather, its about how governing elites, primarily Republican but including ever-more Democrats, are fine with corporations calling the tune on what constitutes "desirable" levels of citizen participation in the modern republic. And, it's more than just neoliberalism, too, which ultimately is about driving everything by the dollar.

Rather, as Wolin notes repeatedly, it's ultimately about issues of power, namely, who controls it, who distributes it, who makes the power distribution decisions and more.

This is not full-blown leftism, but rather, sits somewhere in the lefter edges of the left-liberal world.