A review by deepanshi
Same But Different: Teen Life on the Autism Express by Ryan Elizabeth Peete, Holly Robinson Peete, Rj Peete


Holly was very happy when she came to know that she'll be having a twins - a boy and a girl. But after three years, their world changed forever - when they came to know their son has classic autism. Things which were about to come were haunting them but they were ready to face every situation.
Callie and Charlie are twins - they're similar in so many ways and as teenagers, they share the same hope, worries, anxiety and dreams as kids all over the world do. But these two beautiful individuals are difference in many ways. Callie is absolutely perfect whereas Charlie has classic autism - he just can't be like normal people. Callie loves his brother, no doubt but she always gets offended by Charlie's behavior - she feels burdened. Things were were contrasting. Charlie too loved Callie but he didn't want baby feeding always - actually he does. This book talks about how both of them feel at the same time - in a very different way. Charlie and Callie brings out their honest feeling towards each other. Their is love, affection, care, humiliation, irritation, hatred all mixed up. Callie is tired of helping Charlie, suffering due to Charlie whereas Charlie just can't get things done correctly. He has no interest in sports but he loves his video games. He hates maths but is really brilliant in maths and science.

The whole book talks about a situation give to them and how both of them react and feel. You can't expect a great fictional story from this book but the message which this book gives is worth. Charlie always say - "I have autism, autism doesn't have me" and that has my heart. Things may become difficult sometimes, but how we tackle it is important.

I am really in love with this book - it's so beautiful. The book is well written which can also be read by beginners. So you can surely pick this book up if you want to have some light read with deep message behind. PS. I'm really in love with the smell of this book! I really really want a perfume which has this smell.