A review by thebritishbibliophile
Knocked Up in Alaska by Samanthe Beck


'Prepare to say goodbye to Captivity and its inhabitants with this wholesome, romantic, touching story which like its series, has left an impression. Buckle up, we're coming in for one final landing.'

Thank you to Grey's Promotions for sending me an ebook Advanced Reader's Copy for me to read and leave an honest review.

I've been happily and heavily invested in this series since book one, Wild in Captivity , with Isabelle and Trace taking centre stage. Book two, Playing Dirty in Alaska , brought us Bridget and Archer and after much demand from us readers who simply couldn't get enough of this wonderful world Samanthe has created, we finish the trilogy with Knocked Up in Alaska with Lilah and Ford.

After giving a very generous five star rating to Playing Dirty in Alaska which absolutely knocked my socks off, I was very excited to see if Knocked Up in Alaska could follow in its shoes to make it two-for-two. Stay tuned at the end of this review to find out just how I ended up rating it. I promise you won't be disappointed.

' Everyone in Captivity, Alaska now knows Lilah Iquat’s big (and getting bigger) secret. She’s knocked up. Pregnant. All it took was a foolish decision with lasting consequences. Now Lilah’s going it alone—with the help of the town. But with one particular craving getting stronger, Lilah has her eyes on just one thing: too-sexy Ford Langley.'

As the title suggests and gives away, this story focuses around a pregnancy involving our starring lady for this novel, Lilah. The question here raised is this, will the pregnancy last the entirety of the novel, or just a portion? You'll have to read it to find out! I definitely respect Samanthe's choice to write it how she has, as it gave us a chance to see around that one aspect of the book and see the world around the characters and everything slowly coming to a close. Brilliantly done!

Now, onto Lilah and Ford. Seeing these two woven throughout the last two books only means that the excitement was more than there for when they got a book of their own, and now that it's here, I'm sad it's over. But not in a bad way. Samanthe has a way of capturing your interest while making you devour her books at the same time. You want to get to the end to see how it plays out, but you also want to make it last (especially more so when it's the last int the series). Knocked Up in Alaska really hit home with the feels, hitting you right in the bookish heart. It's definitely a read that will have you ping-ponging between happiness, anger, frustration and sadness. Again, none of that is negative but demonstrates the hold Samanthe has on us as readers through her skilful writing.

This book out of all the ones in this series I personally think best shows the growth of the characters, specifically Lilah and Ford in this case, and demonstrates the true meaning of 'love conquers all'. It really does. Ford and Lilah had more than their fair share of speed bumps on the road to their happily ever after, but it--like this series--is a road well worth travelling down to get to the destination. And that destination is Captivity, Alaska.

Although I am very sad to say goodbye to Captivity and its characters, I can firmly say that this is a series that has made both my must read and top read lists. Samanthe has done a fantastic job of cementing me as a firm reader of hers and I cannot wait to read what she has coming out next in the near future.

4.5 stars for Knocked Up in Alaska , Lilah, Ford & Samanthe!