A review by karen_the_baroness
Spiced and Iced by Jenny Kales


Spiced and Iced by Jenny Kales bring out the Christmas cheer and a dead body!

Will Callie solve the mystery before the snowstorm arrives?

Callie Costas is happy to have a busy shop, and so many people want to hire Callie's Kitchen for catering. Her biggest job yet is for a bridal shower hosted at the English Country Inn, and it's a big ask since it's the holiday, so she's already busy. Callie is a great person for taking on so many new projects while keeping it together with everything to do at her business. She also has some things going on at her home front, but Callie doesn't have the time or energy to deal with that.

Callie has her aunt Sweetie coming to visit. I must admit I loved Sweetie when I met her on the Greek islands. Now meeting her in this book, and I love her more. She's the funniest character ever, and her antics with Viv are great. I feel bad for Callie, but they bring some laughter into her life.

I love all of the characters in this series, and Callie is doing great, remaining positive and not allowing anything to bring her down.

The Mystery
Callie Costas finds the party planner deceased on her way out of the English Country Inn after dropping off her food for the bridal party. At first, Callie isn't investigating as she has too many things on her plate. Especially considering that she still has things to do for the bride and run her shop and her kid. Except when a friend calls you, everything is off the table; that and two nosy relatives who can't help but stick their noses in it make it her business. Callie makes sure this time to give any information to Sands as soon as she learns it so that she doesn't get hurt again.

I have to say that I guessed who did it perfectly this time, but the reason had me stumped. Ms. Kales got me good with the motive.

Five Stars
I am giving Spiced and Iced by Jenny Kales five stars and recommending it to anyone who loves a good cozy culinary mystery. One of the things that I love about this series is that Ms. Kales brings together food, a good mystery, a tinge of romance, and family fun, all wrapped together in a good book. Ms. Kales is a fantastic author, and I can't wait to read more in this wonderful series.

Seriously, one of these days, I might have to convince Jen to do a Greek recipe from this series! Speaking of recipes, don't forget to check those out at the end of the book. They are Spiced Greek Biscuits (Paxemathia) (Greek biscotti), Greek Snowball Cookies (Kourabiethes), Blueberry Greek Yogurt Scones, Sweetie's Spinach Squares aka LAzy Spanakopita, Wisconsin Supper Club Cheese Spread, and Spiced and Iced Gingerbread. All of these are mentioned in the book!

Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Spiced and Iced by Jenny Kales.

Until the next time,
Karen the Baroness

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