A review by wendylu4
No Strings Attached by S.M. Butler


I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Ethan and Ashlynn have been best friends since they were 12. Ashlynn has loved him since they were 16 but Ethan doesn't know how to love anyone. He was raised by to rich and cold parents who consider life a business transaction without feelings. He does know she is the most important person in his life. Ashlynn got involved with a guy who became abusive and one night nearly killed her. She turned to Ethan and with his help she put her ex behind bars but there was just one little complication - she was pregnant.

Five years later Ash is laid off and cannot find a job. She is desperate and decides to ask Ethan for a loan. Ethan has been told by his parents he has 6 months to get married or lose his trust fund. While having lunch Ethan decides they can help each other. Ash can marry him satisfying his parents requirements and he can give her financial security. The perfect business transaction.

After they are married Ash is feeling guilty for lying to family and she knows she loves Ethan and want love in return. Ethan doesn't want to lose her and he has all these feelings he doesn't understand so they decide to date. Neither one truly commits to figuring out what is going on between them until the worst happens and Ash's ex escapes from jail. Ethan comes to the conclusion he loves her and cannot let her go but when he shows up at home to find the ex there trying to kidnap Ash will they get their HEA??

For the most part I liked this book. I didn't like Ethan's parents and their blackmail. They tell him to pick someone and then still aren't happy about his choice. This part was left hanging with no real resolution between Ethan and his parents other than he fulfilled his requirements. Some parts of the book didn't feel realistic so for that reason I give it 4 stars.