A review by thebeardedpoet
Looking Glass by Andrew Mayne


In this second Dr. Theo Cray novel, the main character has learned several important lessons from his first harrowing experience with a serial killer. This time round he is more cautious about what he says to the police and when to call them in on his suspicions. He has also sought training for self-defense and carries and gun with him at times. Also he has learned how to dodge legal ramifications by working carefully to circumvent anything that might land him in prison. In these ways, he is much better prepared to deal with any peril that might arise. As a result, this installment is not quite as exciting as the first because you have more confidence Cray will survive and save the day. Yet this is a riveting narrative which I had a hard time putting down. As before, law enforcement officials are portrayed as people who go for the obvious conclusions and easiest way to close the case. Due to these shortsighted practices, Cray must yet again hunt the serial killer on his own. On top of that someone with government intelligence access is working against Cray's efforts. Overall this was a very exciting thriller. I want more!