A review by ellipsiscool
Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion


I am not a zombie fan. Never have been. This book is almost an anti-zombie look at zombies. We get inside the head of a "zombie" named R. He is all things considered, besides the fact he is a walking dead man, not really a "zombie." His thoughts are rather deep, he enjoys vinyl because the sound is more "alive," he likes to ride the escalators because they seem to be going somewhere, and he has a friend named M.

Basically he eats some guy's brain and R falls in love with the woman the eat-ee was in love with and miraculously she accepts R as a friend and as they get closer, R gets closer to humanity.

This book was great. I generally detest the zombie genre of hopeless killing and blood squirting in all directions, but here what we are seeing is hope, from all directions and I love that it's written from the zombie's point of view, although at times it's pretty emo.

There are things I really appreciate, the fact that both "sides" are pretty hopeless in the beginning. We see things in the zombie hive that re pretty gruesome, but then later see them replicated almost exactly by the humans. Really the "good" guys, the humans, seem to have lost hope entirely except for a couple of "lights." It's the zombies that realize it's not over yet and they have to convince the humans it's not over yet.